Nashville is a city of animal lovers—just look around the city and you’ll find dogs on the patio of every coffee shop and leading the way on every greenway. From cat cafés and pet resorts to dogs parks with bars, there are endless opportunities to treat your pet (and yourself) to a fun life in Music City. Because your pet is as beloved as a child of your own, here is the ultimate list of best services and experiences for your dog or cat.
A Walk in a Dog Park
Dog parks have always been the easiest way to entertain your pup, but the fun doesn’t last long when there aren’t other dogs that show up and you don’t have anything to do while you watch your pet play. Enter 51 Kitchen —a restaurant, bar, and dog park all in one. Enjoy 51 Kitchen’s Southern-inspired menu for brunch or dinner, or simply sit on the well-lit outdoor patio for a glass of wine while you watch your dog make some new friends.
Bark Park is an outdoor clubhouse for dogs and their owners. The dog park is meant to be convenient for owners to stay for extended periods of time, which is why the park is set up with Wi-Fi and a coffee shop. Whether you make a work-from-park day out of it, or you meet a friend for a coffee date, your pup can enjoy a full day of playtime. If you’re in the mood to relax and not work, the park is BYOB!
The founders of BarkBox, a dog toy and treat subscription box, created Bark Park and brought it to Nashville before any other city. In addition to the park there are also on-site grooming services.
The real draw of Bark Park is the variety of events that are fun for both the dog and the owner. From Open Bark Night and Paw Print Art to Portraits in the Park and OktoBARK Fest, you can trust Bark Park to keep your beloved pup entertained all summer long.
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When it comes to pet products that show individuality and personality, look no further. Hunter & June is a pet boutique full of high-quality pet products, as well as tees and other accessories for pet owners. Some of their most popular products include cotton rope and leather leashes, embroidered squeaky toys, leash bags, and ornately patterned harnesses. Hunter & June is located in East Nashville on Porter Road.
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Come Sit Stay is a pet boutique offering quality products that are both functional and fashionable. You won’t find their luxurious toys at any big box retailer, and you won’t get the same dog greeting anywhere else. Some of our favorite products include a vintage wine label diner for your dog’s bowls, a “Chewnel” purse chew toy, and a Tiffany & Co. chew toy. Come Sit Stay also provides a wonderful selection of all-natural treats. This boutique is off Harding Pike in West Nashville.
This 12 South pet store has the selection and services of a larger-scale pet store without feeling like one. The locally-owned shop has a neighborhood feel while being a one-stop-shop for all of your pet needs, including your cat too! The store provides several bath stations so you can bring your dog in for a dog wash. This is the best place for finding all kinds of holistic food brands, all-natural bathing products, as well as reliable toys.
Services for Your Pets
Mobile Grooming is the ultimate service for making your life easier and keeping your pets clean. Why go through the hassle of dropping off your pet somewhere and picking him or her back up when you could simply have the grooming service come to you? One of the other major perks of mobile grooming is that your pet receives complete one-on-one care and will not be put in a cage to wait for his or her turn. Aussie Pet Mobile is a mobile grooming service for both dogs and cats that offers spa treatments in addition to a full grooming menu.
As a pet owner, the last thing you ever want to do is leave your furry friend at home, but when you’re traveling you need a reliable place for your pet to stay. Your pets ought to be in the hands of people who will love them as much as you do. Belmont Pet Resort is like a vacation for cats and dogs. The luxury suites have chew-proof beds, microfleece blankets, a flat-screen TV, 24/7 webcams, a window, and of course plenty of attention. The pet resort also has a Six Sense Spa for bathing and grooming. All of the staff members are certified in dog language and behavior, so you can rest assured your dog’s needs will be met with care and understanding.
Dogs and Kat is a training facility that also offers behavior counseling. Kat Ray has been voted Nashville’s best dog trainer for five years in a row, and she works with many aggressive, over-reactive and anxious dogs. Kat leads behavior training programs as well as agility classes, which are excellent for building confidence in your dog and for fun and stimulation.
Thanks to Nashville being a dog-loving city, you can fill up your pup’s social calendar just as much as your own. Join the Nashville Humane Society for their annual Dog Day Festival at Centennial Park. This year’s festival will take place on September 14th. Activities include a costume contest, pupper parade, training classes, demonstrations, contests, and pet portraits. In addition to plenty of activities for both humans and four-legged friends, there will also be food trucks, live entertainment, and door prizes.
Every year the Nashville Humane Society also hosts the Music City Mutt Strutt at Shelby Bottoms Park. Join more than 1,000 people for a 5K fun run or walk and be sure to bring your pup along for the race.
And For the Cat Lovers…
There are much fewer places you can bring your precious cat too, but let’s be honest—cats don’t really want to leave the house, anyways. However, if you love cats and want to help cats in need, Mewsic Kitty Café is a cage-free space where you can adopt a kitten or simply donate to saving cats in need. The café has a complete coffee bar and plenty of merchandise for crazy cat owners.
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